Shake off the summer doldrums and increase your content sales with the BoleynModels August 2024 Contest.

How many unique videos can you create and upload on ManyVids and IWantClips?

For some, it can be easy to forget about the clip sites after you get started, especially when you are focused on the live broadcasting end of things.

We here at BoleynModels want to help you build good working habits that will benefit you in the long run!

One of those great work habits is regularly providing new videos or other content. New videos or photos keep your regulars visiting your profile to make purchases, and it’ll promote you to other members through the new content advertising on the sites.   


To enter the raffle, all you need to do is upload one or more new videos to your ManyVids or IWantClips account.

You’ll receive one raffle ticket for each video uploaded to either site.

We want all models, new and established, to be included so sales made don’t factor into this contest.

At the start of September, we’ll draw for two prizes, and winners will be notified by their email on file with us.


  • Each video should be new to the platform.
  • Don’t remove a previously uploaded video from your account just to reupload the same video. That will not count towards the raffle.
  • The tickets are per upload per site. For example: The same new video put on both ManyVids and IWantClips would result in two raffle tickets as it is new to each site.
  • The contest runs from August 1st, 2024 through August 31st, 2024.
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